Rebuilding America

Bringing Back Made in USA

America, the land of great builders

Spirit of Innovation

In the crucible of the 1980s, America emerged as the unrivaled titan of manufacturing, shaping not only its own destiny but also the global landscape. With innovation as its compass and determination as its fuel, the nation forged ahead, transforming raw materials into marvels that fueled progress and prosperity.

This sentiment was a source of inspiration for Onahira Rivas:
“Back in the 80s, when I was a child, I remember everything was produced in America, and so many products proudly carried the 'Made in the USA' tag. So what happened?” -Onahira Rivas

Onahira Rivas My Legacy America A Nation of Innovators

America, the Powerhouse of Resources

Land of Entrepreneurs

The United States is a nation of abundant resources, vast lands, exceptional people, and unparalleled technology. America is a country of opportunity run by innovators, with over 31 million entrepreneurs, driving our nation forward.

Thus, Onahira questions:
Why should we depend on other nations to support our own people? Why settle for lesser goods from overseas when we have the capability to create everything we require right here? -Onahira Rivas

Let’s bring back the America, that was characterized by visionary leadership an self-reliance. It's time to rediscover our role as a nation of abundance. We possess the resources to produce what we need; let's revive the America that once set the global standard.

Onahira Rivas My Legacy My Factory

The reindustrialization of america

Crafting My Legacy: Inside My Factory of Dreams

Those questions sparked a vision within me, leading to the creation of Florida’s Cotton Clouds, the first factory of cotton products in the state of Florida.

As an entrepreneur, this marks the beginning of my journey toward revitalizing American industry by inspiring my fellow entrepreneurs to bring manufacturing back home!

Together, we can support American jobs, contribute to the growth and prosperity of our nation, and keep the American Dream alive!

My Factory:

Florida's Cotton Clouds

As Seen On